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This painting is currently in the "Tacit Galleries" Stockroom.

Click HERE  to purchase this piece or visit 193 Johnston St, Collingwood, Vic 3066, Australia (Wed-Sun 11-5 pm) to see and purchase this painting in person


Size - 32 cm x 32 cm

Price - $750


This Painting is all about the peaceful underwater life that I experienced while scuba diving.
I discovered my love for snorkeling and diving a while ago and would count it as one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced.
When I was diving around the peer in Rye, I saw this unbelievably gigantic, peaceful smooth stingray swimming past as if I wasn't even there. It just went past, very slowly minding its own business.
And for some people, it might've just been a large underwater animal swimming past but for me, it was one of the best experiences of my life.
Just imagine, all you hear is yourself breathing, you turn around and see sand slowly hovering over the ocean ground, like magic, and then the next thing you see is this beautiful animal just very slowly swimming past you like you're not even there. It was a very grounding experience.

So with that artwork, I tried to basically bring the piece and magic I felt at that moment onto a canvas board.

It's all made with different acrylic paints on a white canvas board varnished on the top with a glossy finish, which brought this beautiful creature more to life.

"Silent" - Available at Tacit Galleries

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